Chuck Gamarata, who operates the only limousine taxi on the island, is forced to work longer hours to compensate for the gas prices. He's still taking home about $10 less each day. "You add that up over a year's period, that's thousands of dollars," ... Tourists, who pay an average close to $300 a night for a hotel room, don't seem to mind. "If the gas would've been higher, we still would've gone," said Jack Glisson, of Jacksonville, Ill. "It didn't make any difference." ...
Die Hauptstrasse von Mina heisst Sari-al-Gamarat - oder Strasse der Teufelssäulen. Die erste dieser 3 Säulen heisst Gamrat al-Aqaba (oder Gamrat al-kubra), etwas weiter östlich liegt die zweite Säule - Gamrat al-wusta oder mittlere ...
To compound the negative image the call out rate creates, the union defends the heavy absenteeism by noting the teachers don't get vacation days. This defense qualifies for the award as the most pathetic rationale ever dreamed up. ...